With your disease you need to use Cold Thermogenesis way more with these lights. Your disease is a pre malignant condition. So when you think I am being ass about the supplements in light of your disease, you better know you are infusing straight deuterium into an already broken situation atomically in you. Photosynthesis is the QA program that depletes D over H+ for your gut's protection. Supplements mainline D straight into you and they wil demolish your ATPase. That is what YOUR AI disease is. I do not care if you like the delivery. I want you to get the wake up call. Evolutionary thinking is always the king of the mountain. The literature, in my view, takes a back seat to Mother Nature in the new paradigm of healthcare. Nothing trumps the laws of nature, especially man's beliefs. The use of any form of light that is not natural, especially those created on an AC transformer, is toxic to cells because it induces dirty electricity and it creates flicker effects in those manufactured light waves. These things act to decrease the amount of water, melatonin, and CO2 a mitochondrion creates. This lack of water means sunlight, the natural light form, can not turn the water made in the mitochondria into a liquid crystal called the coherent domain (EZ for short) from this water. This is why man-made light is toxic to our system. The artificial light of all types decreases the amount of water/melatonin a mitochondrion makes and dumps into the cytoplasm around the mitochondria and nucleus. This is what dehydration and a high BUN creatine ratio really are all about, from a quantum perspective. Cell water is powered up by sunlight to make a capacitor from this water. This is a cell's ultimate BASE battery source. It is not the only one. This solar battery that makes water electricity ultimately powers the entire biosphere because of these connections. I think the Universe is powered by water electricity and I believe every cell is powered in the same way. Your disease lowers water production in your gut. This creates oxidative stress that destroys the melanin sheets inside of you that leads to the more serious complications of your disease. Water is the universal electron and proton donor when it is energized by solar light. When you understand this quantum connection you begin to see that proton and electron currents in water made by sunlight create currents inside of cells and over extracellular distances that are capable of delivering physical and chemical messages concerning the redox status of all parts of the cell that are communicated by water networks. Without this endogenous water creation you become impotent to create powerful endogenous light frequencies in the VUV range and this leads to more production of light that is lower powered and facilitates more disease. This VUV endogenous light normally sets in motion the requisite core of chemical reactions that restore the local and global energy balance of all living things. Without it you are fucked. Cooling helps augment all these effects because cooling changes the density of water and more electrons are present in water as it cools and this helps form a massive redox pile of electrons that are used to run biochemical reactions in a cell. More electrons mean more light can absorbed inside of you. Cooling has another critical effect on proteins in the cell. The peptide linkage is composed of 6 atoms that lie in a plane like a rigid rod. This is a requirement for a pendulum oscillator system that the eye clock uses to control the SCN. Anyone with your disease by definiton has a screwed eye clock mechanism and must have a ZERO tolerance policy to blue light nnEMF and SUPPLEMENTS. The central C-N bond has some double bond attributes and is chemically very rigid. It is made more rigid by cooling. This makes it more stable. This process is known as resonance stabilization and is critically important in determining the 3-D conformation of polypeptides in cells. Cooling stimulates heat shock protein 70. HSP 70 is key in maintaining this rigid relationship between the peptide bond while allowing side chains to be freely moveable in the frictionless sea of water inside a cell during activities of daily living when the sun is out. This is critical in the timing mechanism in cells, especially the SCN. Both cold thermogenesis and heat stress are capable of stimulating HSP 70 to maintain this pendulum function in protein side chains to make the timing mechanism link to the sun and dark cycle. It points out why temperature is closely related to the control mechanisms built into circadian biology oscillation and why using cold and heat (Fournier effect) can help reset or entrain a broken oscillator. Time to lever up dude. Stop settling for a B C or D when an A is readily available.

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Jack, first off thanks for the well explained detailed comment, again not many that go to the level you do. However, the push back I have is why not combine? You say D2 is pushed into cells via supplements? Dr Chris Shade at quick silver sci had some of the lowest D2 levels ever recorded, yet he attributes this to his liberal use of Phosphatidylcholine? How is that to be reconciled? And yes I think I already know your answer to this, but after going as hard as possible on quantum health using CT and Sun and following your protocols religiously, I still found myself dealing with severe issues, particularly skin health. Up until this past winter, when I threw in the towel and embarked in intense water fasting and detox, I was having a tough time achieving symptom relief. After seeing high liver enzymes for ~10 years, getting back high Mercury levels, and under methylating, it seemed pretty probable I was dealing with toxicity. So after treating these issues using quick silver scientific products, fasting, and a proper Keto diet, I have finally got some amazing progress thanks be to God. The point I am making is: we should use any available tools we have. Now would I apply any of these frameworks without having applied the most important aspects of circadian biology? F no. Circadian biology reigns king no matter what and always will. Many quantum folk will say one cannot detox without proper redox, and while I agree to an extent, what comes first the chicken or the egg? Is the toxicity impeding redox and hindering mito health? Or is their poor redox causing them to not methylate and expel toxins? probably a mix of both. For my case I am young and for the most part, only after following your protocols, have I found my redox increase overall, thus allowing me the ability to properly detox. Is that arbitrary? Yeah probably, but so far it has worked.

Would supplements like MB or c60 destroy my ATPase? And again, if I am using something like PC preventing D2 from leaking in, does that destroy my ATPase? Geuine questions.

Final thought, what has caused my health to get dramatically better from a practical POV over the past 6 months? Ill list below all the supplements and protocols I used and let you judge:

c60 with enzymes



Quick Silver Sci Push catch (https://www.quicksilverscientific.com/all-products/pushcatch-liver-detox/ look at this and critique it as best u can)

B vitamins

AMPk activators like berberine, resvertrol, cinnamon

Ketone Esters


GHK-Cu peptide

LL37 peptide




HIGH DOSE MELATONIN (ik you wont like that)

NAD precursors

p73 wild oregano





Cod liver oil

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Have you looked into lifewave photobiomodulation patches? I know Jack doesn’t believe in them for some reason, but I along with many others can personally attest to their legitimacy.

I see you take GHK-Cu. LifeWave’s x39 Patch elevates GHK-Cu peptide and activates adult stem cells, amongst other things, to promote healing. Please visit lifewave.com/sovereignhealth to look into it if you haven’t already. Also see info on x39 specifically at startx39.com. Additionally, you can contact me directly at andrea.sovereignhealth@gmail.com

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Thanks Andrea, im gonna look into this! Huge fan of ghkcu, so this has my attention ha!

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